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How to remove the .php extension from urls of your website pages?

Learn simple tricks to hide server and php information from your website visitors. Also learn an easy method to hide php extension from all your web page urls.

How to move/migrate a cPanel account from one server to another?

In this article, learn how to move or migrate your cPanel hosted website and email accounts from one hosting server to another.

How to create a cPanel hosting account in WHM?

If you purchased a dedicated linux server or a VPS or a reseller linux hosting plan, you would normally be provided with a WHM interface to create and manage multiple cPanel hosting accounts on your server. This article delves on how to create a hosting account on WHM.

What is Handicap in Golf?

Golf is a unique sport where players of different age and different playing abilities are equated by each player being assigned a handicap. And thus they can compete with each other in a tournament.

How is a Golfer's handicap calculated?

In the world of golf, a player's handicap is like a badge of honor. It indicates their skill level and allows for fair competition between players of different abilities. But have you ever wondered how this mysterious number is actually calculated? This article breaks down the process of computing a golf handicap in a simple and easy-to-understand way.

Golf Attire & Dress Code

What to wear and what not to wear at a Golf course

Why you should learn C in 2023?

A lot of youngsters who come to me for career advice ask me if learning C is still relevant today and whether it can help fetch a job in the IT Industry. My answer to them is an obvious YES. Read this article to understand why.

How to do Image Search on the Internet?

Search Google by Image - find similar images with the image search facility provided by Google.

Green Hosting

The concern for the environment has led to the emergence of green hosting. Data centers that provide green hosting infrastructure implement eco-friendly measures to reduce their carbon footprint. Hosting data centers consume a lot of energy. Although green hosting is expensive compared to their non-green equivalent, if you are concerned about the environment, you can look out for companies that provide green hosting services.

Wordpress Hosting

A short guide to WordPress Hosting. Find out if you should build your website on WordPress and how to choose the right hosting service for your WordPress website.

Hosting Mirror

Hosting Mirrors essentially replicate and serve website content from multiple data centers spread across multiple geographic locations with the objective to distribute load and provide a better experience to website visitors by serving them from a mirror in close proximity. This is quite suitable for very popular websites that see millions of visitors per day.

Hosting Cluster

A Hosting Cluster is a group of inter-connected servers typically deployed in a single network, and set up in a manner so as to work as a single powerful server. This architecture provides immense processing capabilities to handle huge workloads along with built in redundancy to attain higher reliability and availability.

Cloud Hosting

Cloud Hosting is the most popular form of scalable architecture where your hosting resources quickly scale up and down on demand. Companies such as Amazon (AWS), Google and Microsoft (Azure) are the major players in this segment and provide high quality cloud service that are billed as per use.

Co-location Service

Suitable for very large companies, a co-location service allows big companies to host their own servers in a data center in a secure lockable space. Although an expensive deployment it is well suited for large companies who require mission critical servers to be hosted on the web.

Dedicated Server

When you buy a dedicated server hosting, you get to select the type of server hardware, the operating system, and the CPU & RAM capacities as per your need. You get full root access to your server so that you can install whatever software you need to, and carry out all administrative tasks. This type of hosting is suitable for very large websites with huge traffic or for complex web applications where multiple users are simultaneously logged in.

What is Virtualization? - Virtual Machines Explained

Get a fair understanding of what virtualization of computers is, how it works and how at an affordable expense, you can take advantage of a virtual machine for your web deployment.

VPS Hosting - Virtual Private Server

If you are considering to buy a VPS hosting and want to have an in-depth understanding about what a VPS is, you have reached the right article. Read fully to learn all about VPS hosting and how it can help host a fairly successful website or a web application that is currently hosted in a shared environment and starving for resources.

Reseller Hosting

Reseller Hosting is a type of hosting where the hosting company sells bulk space to a reseller who can then split the bulk space into multiple small-sized plans and resell them to end users. This type of hosting is quite suited for website developers who own multiple websites of their own and also sell small hosting spaces.

Shared Hosting

Shared hosting is the most popular type of hosting that allows you to host a single website, or multiple websites in a single plan. It is quite suitable for personal websites and business websites of small and medium sizes.

Free Hosting

Some hosting providers provide a starting point for beginners to host their website for free. Such a free host is suitable for students and hobbyists who do not wish to spend money on a professional hosting service. Read the full article to understand what free hosting entails and what are its pros and cons.

What is cPanel & WHM?

What are cPanel and WHM? Learn about the most popular control panel deployed on linux web servers and how they make it easy for you to use your web hosting service.

Types of Web Hosting Services

There are many different types of hosting environments available on the market today. These are broadly classified into four categories: shared hosting, semi- or fully dedicated, scalable cloud, and function-focused. Selecting the right hosting type for your website is an important task and requires some technical knowledge. This article, along-with connecting articles provide an in-depth insight into various types of hosting environments and which one is right for you.

Web Hosting Selection Criteria

Finding it hard to decide which hosting company to go for and which hosting plan to select for your website? This article describes all the important criteria that you must consider when selecting a web host. You will understand how to select the right hosting company and the right hosting plan for your website.

What is Bandwidth in Hosting?

We often hear the term monthly bandwidth when we talk about website hosting. Here I will explain what this term means and how it can affect the functioning of your website.

What is a Web Hosting Service?

You will often hear the term Web Hosting, or simply Hosting. When you contact a hosting company to put your website on the Internet, you will be asked to purchase a domain name & a hosting plan. If these terms are new to you, it can overwhelm you. The objective of this article is to simplify hosting and related terms that you are faced with.

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