A self referential data structure is essentially a structure definition which includes at least one member that is a pointer to the structure of its own kind. A chain of such structures can thus be expressed as follows.
struct name { member 1; member 2; . . . struct name *pointer; };
The above illustrated structure prototype describes one node that comprises of two logical segments. One of them stores data/information and the other one is a pointer indicating where the next component can be found. .Several such inter-connected nodes create a chain of structures.
The following figure depicts the composition of such a node. The figure is a simplified illustration of nodes that collectively form a chain of structures or linked list.
Such self-referential structures are very useful in applications that involve linked data structures, such as lists and trees. Unlike a static data structure such as array where the number of elements that can be inserted in the array is limited by the size of the array, a self-referential structure can dynamically be expanded or contracted. Operations like insertion or deletion of nodes in a self- referential structure involve simple and straight forward alteration of pointers.
A linear linked list is a chain of structures where each node points to the next node to create a list. To keep track of the starting node's address a dedicated pointer (referred as start pointer) is used. The end of the list is indicated by a NULL pointer. In order to create a linked list of integers, we define each of its element (referred as node) using the following declaration.
struct node_type { int data; struct node_type *next; }; struct node_type *start = NULL;
Note: The second member points to a node of same type.
A linear linked list illustration:
Let us now develop a C program to manipulate linked lists. For this purpose we introduce a few basic functions, which can be used to create a list, displaying its contents, inserting into a list and deleting an existing element. We also introduce two functions reverse and recReverse for reversing the elements of the list.
When a list is created a pointer called start is used to indicate the beginning of the list. A function createNode, creates a node and returns a pointer to it. The function insert is used to insert a new node in an existing list provided the data is not already present in the list. If it is not present, we place the data in a manner so that the new element is appended at the end of the list.
#include <stdio.h> struct node_type { int data; struct node_type *next; }; typedef struct node_type list; void showList(); //displays list contents list *reverse(); //reverses the list list *insert(); list *createNode(); list *delete(); list *find(); main() { list *temp, *start = NULL; //start will point to first node of the list char c = 'y'; int n; while(c != 'n' && c != 'N') { printf("\nEnter the data: "); scanf("%d",&n); getchar(); fflush(stdin); temp = createNode(); temp->data = n; temp->next = NULL; if(!find(start,temp->data)) start = insert(start,temp); printf("\nDo you want to add new data in the list? (y/n): "); scanf("%c",&c); fflush(stdin); } printf("\nTHE LIST IS: "); showList(start); printf("\n\n"); c = 'y'; while(c != 'n' && c != 'N') { printf("\nEnter the data to be deleted: "); scanf("%d",&n); getchar(); fflush(stdin); if(find(start, n)) start = delete(start, n); printf("\nDo you want to delete another data from the list? (y/n):"); scanf("%c", &c) ; fflush(stdin); } printf("\nTHE LIST AFTER DATA DELETION IS: "); showList(start); printf("\n\n"); start = reverse(start); printf("\nTHE REVERSED LIST IS: "); showList(start); printf("\n\n"); } /* Function to create a Node. Allocates memory for a new node. */ list *createNode() { list *new; new = (list *)malloc(sizeof(list)); return(new); } /* Recursive function to create and insert a new node at the end of the list */ list *insert(list *st, list *ndt) { if(!st) return(ndt); st->next = insert(st->next, ndt); return(st); } /* Function to search a data item in the list and return the node address that matches data. In case no match found, returns NULL */ list *find(list *st, int dt) { while(st) if(st->data == dt) return (st); else st = st->next; return(st); } void showList(list *temp) { while(temp) { printf("%d ", temp->data); temp = temp->next; } printf("\n"); } /* Function to reverse the list */ list *reverse(list *l) { list *nxt, *temp; if(!l) return(l); else { nxt = l->next; l->next = NULL; while(nxt) { temp = nxt->next; nxt->next = l; l = nxt; nxt = temp; } return(l); } } /* Recursive function for deleting a node from the list */ list *delete(list *st, int n) { list *tmp; if(!st) return(st); if(st->data == n) { tmp = st; st = st->next; free(tmp); return(st); } st->next = delete(st->next,n); return(st); }
1. Identify which one of the following declaration correctly defines a self referential data structure.
a) struct class_1 { char name[31]; . . . struct class_2 *c; }; b) struct class_1 { char name[31]; . . . struct class_1 *c; }; c) struct class_1 { char name[31]; . . . struct class_1 c; };
2. Identify the errors (if any) in the following C programs.
a) The function addList inserts a new node (nw) at the beginning of the list pointed to by the start pointer.
addList(list *start, list *nu) { if(start) start = nu; else nw->nxt = start; }
b) The function displayList (start pointer is passed as an argument) recursively displays all the nodes in the list.
displayList(list *st) { if(!st) return; printf("%d ", st->data); displayList(st->nxt); }
Defining Pointers to Structures in C
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Rajeev Kumar is the primary author of How2Lab. He is a B.Tech. from IIT Kanpur with several years of experience in IT education and Software development. He has taught a wide spectrum of people including fresh young talents, students of premier engineering colleges & management institutes, and IT professionals.
Rajeev has founded Computer Solutions & Web Services Worldwide. He has hands-on experience of building variety of websites and business applications, that include - SaaS based erp & e-commerce systems, and cloud deployed operations management software for health-care, manufacturing and other industries.