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SEO (acronym for Search Engine Optimization) is a subject that overwhelms most website owners and webmasters. In the great olden days, life was simple setup your shop or office on the main street of your city and customers would start flowing in. With the advent of the world wide web and the urging need for every business to increase their customer base, reaching out to a larger audience has become essential for business success. So, you build a website after spending considerable amount of time and money, and to your woes, you get no visitors.

Why? Because search engines are not listing your website on the first few pages. Have all your efforts gone in the drain? Are you now left at the mercy of the search engines?

Not really! You can do your bit to get your website noticed. This section will help you gain more insight into how.

What is the purpose of the robots meta tag and how to use it?

We are often confused about the roles of robots.txt file viz.-a-viz. the robots meta tag and we often wonder why both exist and what purposes each serve. Read on to get a clear understanding of the two.

Website not getting listed in search engines?

What causes your website to not get listed in search engines? What should you do to ensure that your website gets listed? This articles dwells on some of the important considerations that cause a website to not get listed with search engines. Learn how you can correct and get listed. Also learn how you can improve your search engine rank.

How to tell search engines not to crawl your entire website?

Are you worried that search engine robots are eating away too much on your website bandwidth which you would rather make available for your site visitors? Read on to know how you can prevent this.

Building multiple sitemaps for very large websites

Learn about the limitations of a single sitemap file and how you can build multiple sitemaps in case of a very large website consisting of several thousand pages.

How to build a search engine friendly sitemap?

One of the concerns facing most website owners today is how to make search engines find all the pages of their website. Learn how to make it easy for search engines to index your web pages quickly.

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